Thursday, April 19, 2012
asking everyday for a week if it was 'pizza day' yet. I was pleasantly surprised when most of the kids were pretty calm and well behaved.. They absolutely loved it, and my baby was in heaven! They got to tour the kitchen and play with pizza dough, watch them make a pizza then eat it.. And topped it off with coloring a pizza picture! My heart was full watching my most handsome boy learn and interact with others.. I am such a proud mom! :)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I'm 19 weeks right now, haven't been sick at all. Gaining plenty of weight, always hungry, craving nothing specific, just food!! :) Soooo excited!!
Friday, December 2, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
I know its not permanent, and I'll most likely see her at least once a month, but honestly, its not the same. She is such a huge part of my life.. And as excited as I am for them, I'm just really sad for me. {Big sob story, I know}
I wanted to post some of the things about my BFF that I've came to know and love about her!.. she may be a little upset for a few of these things, but she'll appreciate them later, I just know it! ;)
She knows EVERYTHING about me, and still likes me
She takes care of everyone.. seriously, everyone
Friday, October 14, 2011
Pumpkin Patch
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Little things that make me smile today:
*Mckray. Everything about this boy really, but him sharing his song with me, and allowing me to belt it out and dance with him. {yes, I have to ask him if I can sing his 'moves like Jagger' song}
*A goodbye kiss each morning from my Tim.. no matter how early, late or mad at me he may be.
*Random 'laughing at ourself' moments with Dana.
*My jobs. Even though they are so different I love both of them, I can't seem to let one go.
*Hunting season. Kray and I miss Tim terribly, but its a tradition for me. Hunting is my dad's favorite, so it was always a big thing growing up. We have many guys from everywhere come down every year and spend time with us.. plus I get to spend quality time with my momma!
*Zumba. Gives me a reason to dance like a crazy person and shake my bum, without Tim laughing histerically.
*How excited Mckray gets when he see's and talks to little babies.
*Listening to my handsome boy sing songs on his own, the ones I've sang to him since he was born.
*My best friends. Singing, dancing and laughing... Ahhh, I love them.
*Lunch dates with my most favorite sister ever.
*Awesome parents and inlaws who take care of me, continually.
*Young Womens. Love them, and love the opportunity that I have to teach them and grow with them.
*Fall. I love this warm fall weather that we're having right now.
*My 17 year old brother saying "I love you too" at the end of each conversation.
My life is so blessed. I struggle everyday. But I love it. I love the people in it. I wouldn't trade it for the world.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Proving just how handsome he is! Love his shy smile! :)