Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A few days ago, I wandered through my blog. All of the way to the beginning. I remember starting it after I had Mckray, and I used to be a pretty faithful blogger. As I went back through it, there were things that I had forgotten, and who would've thought that within three short years, memories could be pushed to the back of my mind. I am determined to be better. Not necessarily for anyone else's readings, but for my sake.. I don't want to forget.

Little things that make me smile today:

*Mckray. Everything about this boy really, but him sharing his song with me, and allowing me to belt it out and dance with him. {yes, I have to ask him if I can sing his 'moves like Jagger' song}
*A goodbye kiss each morning from my Tim.. no matter how early, late or mad at me he may be.
*Random 'laughing at ourself' moments with Dana.
*My jobs. Even though they are so different I love both of them, I can't seem to let one go.
*Hunting season. Kray and I miss Tim terribly, but its a tradition for me. Hunting is my dad's favorite, so it was always a big thing growing up. We have many guys from everywhere come down every year and spend time with us.. plus I get to spend quality time with my momma!
*Zumba. Gives me a reason to dance like a crazy person and shake my bum, without Tim laughing histerically.
*How excited Mckray gets when he see's and talks to little babies.
*Listening to my handsome boy sing songs on his own, the ones I've sang to him since he was born.
*My best friends. Singing, dancing and laughing... Ahhh, I love them.
*Lunch dates with my most favorite sister ever.
*Awesome parents and inlaws who take care of me, continually.
*Young Womens. Love them, and love the opportunity that I have to teach them and grow with them.
*Fall. I love this warm fall weather that we're having right now.
*My 17 year old brother saying "I love you too" at the end of each conversation.

My life is so blessed. I struggle everyday. But I love it. I love the people in it. I wouldn't trade it for the world.


Brittany Miller said...

It is crazy how time flies. I have sucked at blogging lately too. I am glad that things are going so good for you guys.

I remember riding with you to school somedays back in h.s., and how you tried to teach me how to drive stick in your old gold car. Awsome... I about killed us both! ha, sorry about that one!

Keep up the blogging, I love reading about your family :)

Taya Marie said...

I'm with you too there! I haven't blogged in over a year- time to change that one! And I love how you post that Zumba makes you happy! that makes me happy that you said that :)