We knew this handsome little guy was tired, but we didn't know he was this tired!
We walked in the door and started putting things away and within seconds Kray layed down on the kitchen floor and minutes later he was out! Tim and I were cracking up... he usually fights when we try to get him to sleep, so this was quite the extreme! I must say, he is incredibly sweet when he's sleeping!
He is way too cute! I loved that age, they are so much fun. Hope all is awesome with you and your family.
Sleeping on the floor is one thing...but him sucking his thumb is so cute!!
I love when they are so tiered they just crash. He is so cute.
Guess what we are having our little girl this Friday!
We are definitley going to miss you guys, but we will still be down a lot :) And yes i did take that pic of us...I thought it turned out pretty cute!
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