Remember those Rascal Flatt tickets I won on KBull93? Well that concert was last Thursday.. I ended up taking Tim with me- my sister was a little upset, she begged Tim to let her go instead and even offered to buy his ticket (which was free for him) but he refused.. I was a little surprised that he was so excited to go, usually at concerts he doesn't enjoy them much, and just sits in his little seat.. but I'm so glad he went!! We were actually pretty close, you know when you can see them better by looking at the stage rather than those big screens, thats how close we were.. We ended up having a blast together- and Tim was hilarious!!
Jessica Simpson opened and I was a little disappointed, I think Tim was too-- She forgot her lyrics and just wasn't very good! Tim said that in person, "she's built like a line-backer" :)
Rascal Flatts totally made up for her.. they were AMAZING!!! We were SO impressed with them, they put on such an awesome show! And Joe Don (guitarist) is so dang hot, I swear he pointed his guitar at me- Tim would beg to differ!
Oh and yes, he is comparable to Keith Urban :)
My hubby and me! Ooooh I love him!
While we were waiting for the concert to start they play all different kinds of music- well Tim is a little bored and a little anxious for it to start.. so he was singing- I actually ended up recording it, for just a second though.. And yes, Tim will kill me if he see's that I post this, but I seriously can't help it.. he is so funny!